On Saturday Noah has his first ever soccer game. Their team now is the ROCKETS!!
He was so excited! He did so great, I am so proud of him.
Noah scored one of the goals and was so excited. He called Grandma Kirk and said grandma I made 3 goals, he was so happy! He did great keeping up with all the kids, and with his long legs he is a great kicker!
If you talk to him ask him about his soccer game! He has one every Saturday, so if your in Austin anytime from now till the end of May, stop by and see our soccer star!
Noah thought the most exciting thing about soccer was you get to wear shin gards and cool soccer shoes!
Here he is with some of his teammates.
Cool! Noah plays soccer just like me!
way to go noah!!!!! i won´t be in austin anytime soon so keep up the good soccer skills and posting some pictures so i can see them while i am gone to the ukraine.
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