Friday, August 15, 2008

She had her Kitties!

So sometime last night or early this morning our cat Ming had her kittens. I was sleeping and dreaming when all the sudden in my dream I heard a little kitty meow. As soon as I felt Robb get up I knew it was not in my dream and she had had kittens. We looked on Robb's side of the closet and low and behold she had had them. She found a box tuck in the side of his closet. We looked in and saw 4 new babies. She had just given birth to the last one, the one that woke us up. It was so amazing to see her there with those little kitties. She is such a good mama cat.
Props to her for breastfeeding 4 babies!!!
She is doing exactly what every pregnant person should do, sleep as much as you can before you have a baby, and in her case 4 of them.
The kids just love the new little kitties. The one in Noah's lap just slep there while the little black one in Maya's lap kept squeeling.
She is such a good little mommy.

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