Monday, October 19, 2009

10 months!! Unbelievable!!

It's unreal that I am typing that Tristan is 10 months old. It's amazing how much he has transformed in these short 10 months. I say short cause to me they have flown by, and i have tried to enjoy every minute. He is now crawling faster than ever on all 4. He is scooting across couches and coffee tables, and he has had a big share of bumps and bruises on his head from being so daring... It's amazing in just 8 short weeks I will be planning a 1st birthday for this little guy. Gives me chills just thinking about it. I want him to stay small forever :)JK

This is such a great picture. He loves looking out the windows!

I love this picture! He looks like such a big guy!!

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